Last week was a busy one at our house. Mason had his first day at preschool and his first day of soccer. Both were a huge success!

We don't really have a front door so the traditional "in front of the house" picture doesn't really work for us. So we have substituted the "behind the couch and in front of the messy bookshelf" picture instead.

Not to be outdone, here is Ollie on Mason's first day of school. Fortunately, he is always ready for a power outage. It is pretty handy to have him around.

At this level, the kids practice drills and skills with their coach, and each with their own ball.

Ready for a water break. It was HOT on Saturday!

Mason with his friend Jack. They are so happy that school is back in and they are seeing each other everyday. Emilie (Jack's mom) and I agreed that it was a long summer of "can I play with Jack/Mason today?"
This week, aside from trying to recover from our various ailments, we are looking forward to Oliver's first day of school and my first day of work. That is a post for another day...