Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Lymans as Simpsons

OK, its all the rage. My coolest friends are doing it. So, here we Simpsons.


Julie said...

That's weird how Ollie and Mason are almost exactly the same height. Where did you do that? We want to do it, too. Aren't you glad I made a comment finally.

us girls said...

Matt's shirt is so fitting!!

CYD said...

duh...i forgot to sign out of the cooking blog, so that was my comment. i see that happening ALOT!!

Kristin said...

WHAT! You mean you ACTUALLy put something on the cooking blog?!?

Anya said...

How in the world did you do that? I must know!

the meyersons said...

Um the science nerd shirt is very fitting-physically and emotionally.

Once a science know the rest.

Are you also insiuating something with Mason's shirt? A poisonous and prickly fish?

Sleepless Tyrant said...

Matt's shirt is perfect.

you guys are rad!