Sunday, February 10, 2008

My Silly Boys

Things have been a little crazy here this weekend. Mom has the flu, the boys have been stuck inside and Dad has been busy trying to take care of everyone, continue with the packing and keeping things going at work.

So in order to update the much neglected of late are some pictures of the boys from Friday. I asked them to play in their room while I showered and got ready for work. When I came to get them a few minutes later to get in the car and pick Matt up from work, this is what I found. Two boys all ready to go:

Fortunately, swimwear is always appropriate. Even when it is 30 degrees outside.

Mason's weapon of choice? A teapot, of course.


Anonymous said...

That is adorable. At least you know they aren't lacking creativity. Hope you are feeling better.

pinksuedeshoe said...

So cute! I love the gloves and the shorts, that is awesome. Feel better!

us girls said...

So the death bug got you. Luckily your boys kept you laughing even though I'm sure you were dying on the inside.


the meyersons said...

Oh how embarrassing. I blogged under an alias. I'm coming out...It's me. I'm "us girls" today.

Anonymous said...

I just can't get over the tea pot as a weapon. I WISH that Brice would pick a tea pot as a weapon. He is such a "fight" little kid. How cute!

Julie said...

second time today you've had me laughing out loud. thanks.

Sleepless Tyrant said...

I totally had to swim ALONE this morning! Matt, can you imagine what a bummer that would be? What's up with that? ;)

Hope you guys feel better soon! We need to hang out again soon!!

Sherwoods said...

The knee high socks are the best! It's a good thing boys keep us laughing! Any news on the ultrasound front yet?

David and Maggi said...

Are you guys moving?