Sunday, August 12, 2007

One time, at Girls Camp...

I will be spending the next five days here:


Anya said...

I am sorry....for you and for Matt.

the meyersons said...

Good one Amy. Oh man, that made me chuckle.

the meyersons said...

I meant Anya. I have vision issues.

CYD said...

And Oh what a treasure it has been! Ye shall never forget the showers, the skits, the food, the hike from hell, the laughter, the tears, the astronomy, the devotionals. Until next year my friend.
P.S. I felt just terrible leaving you filthy and exhausted on the side of the road driving home in my van. Hope you survived the next 2 days.

spyderette said...

tee-hee-hee...i like your title.