First, the other morning, while I was in the shower, Melissa woke up. Mason, being ever the helper, got her out of bed, picked out some clothes (a VERY cute outfit from cousin Marcy, no less) and grabbed a clean diaper. He was in the process of getting her jammies off when I came out to check on them. He said, "Don't worry mom, I'm just gonna change her and get her dressed so she will be all ready to go." Then, he did! He got her diaper all changed and got her clean pants on. When it came to the shirt, he tried for a few minutes and then said, "Mom, you have to do this. She is just too wiggly for me."
That is my sweet boy!

Here is MJ in her new 'cat hat'. She looks very cute in it and even caused the bus driver to stop, exit the bus and come out to admire her at pick up the other day. Oh, and if you look closely, you can see her two new razor sharp teeth that came through last week!
Thanks Grandma Girl!